
Calgary Meet Belkyra™: A Treament to Reduce & Remove Chin Fat

Sculpt Calgary is proud to offer Belkyra™ – a non-surgical treatment that effectively reduces or removes excess chin fat a.k.a. double chin. Excessive fat under the chin, like cellulite, is not reserved for those who are overweight. You can be entirely fit and still have a chubby chin. For many, the appearance of excessive bulk under the chin is caused by genetics or can develop with age.

As we get older muscles loosen and this muscle loss paired with a loss of elasticity in the skin can result in the sagging and drooping characteristics that develop into a double chin. Fortunately, there is a way to improve your chin profile without having to go under the knife. Meet Belkyra™!

What is Belkyra™?

Belkyra is the first and only Health-Canada approved injectable that targets and eliminates fat cells located in the chin. Using the active ingredient deoxycholic acid, Belkyra™ destroys the fat cells which produce chin fullness.

Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule that exists within the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the area beneath the chin, targeted fat cells are destroyed. Because these fat cells are obliterated they can no longer store or accumulate fat, such that treatment results are permanent and sessions do not need to be continued once desired aesthetic goals are achieved.

Who is the ideal candidate for Belkyra™?

Belkyra™ treatment may be right for you if:

  • You are bothered by fullness under the chin
  • Surgery is not an option for you
  • You eat well and exercise but chin fullness does not go away

Many patients treated with Belkyra see visible improvement of their chin profile within 2-4 treatments.

How is Belkyra™ administered?

Belkyra™ treatments typically take less than 20 minutes and are administered via injection by Sculpt’s registered and expertly trained health care professionals. Depending on your current chin condition and desired chin profile goals, a treatment program is tailored such that sessions are scheduled with adequate recovery time between appointments.

Is there Downtime?

For most patients, downtime is minimal and occurs most commonly after the first treatment session. When making an appointment for treatment, please keep social plans and work commitments in mind.

Are there Side Effects?

As with other injectable treatments, you may experience side effects with Belkyra™. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain and numbness. To avoid side effects and ensure proper use, talk to our health professionals before your treatment and raise any questions you may have.

Sagging Skin in the Neck Area

Belkyra™ treatments target fat cells in the neck area. However, sometimes sagging skin may be the culprit causing double chin rather than fat. Or a combination of both fat and skin laxity may cause a person to be unhappy with their chin profile. To rectify this, Sculpt Calgary’s expert medi-spa team can use a combination of treatments to remove fat cells with Belkyra™ followed by (at an appropriate interval time) a skin tightening treatment like Venus Legacy.  Venus Legacy uses multi-polar RF technology to combat sagging skin and create a firmer appearance. This too is a non-surgical treatment option.

Sculpt Calgary’s multiple product and service offerings ensure you look as great as you feel. We work with each client to fully understand their particular goals and then suggest specific and customized treatments to target their specified concerns. If you are in or around the Calgary area and want to look as young as you feel – give us a call. We’d love to supply our knowledge and help you move forward towards your skin, body and beauty goals.

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