Our Policies


Sculpt Aesthetics COVID 19 Clinic Safety Procedures.

STAFF Safety Procedures:

  • Wear masks while on premises to protect colleagues and patients.
  • Ensure proper distancing between other staff and patients.
  • Wear scrubs/uniform that will be changed daily at the clinic.
  • Wear required PPE
  • Shower after returning home from work.
  • Clean treatment/exam rooms thoroughly between patients.
  • Stay home if displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or a temperature over 37.3°C.

PATIENT Safety Procedures:

  • Pre-screen patients for symptoms, exposure, and out of province travel for the previous month.
  • Ask patients to stay home with symptoms of COVID-19, chronic lung disease, severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised, brittle diabetics, kidney disease (dialysis) liver disease, or who are pregnant or nursing.
  • Implementation of sanitization station where incoming patients can sanitize hands and have their temperature taken.
  • Maintain proper distancing between staff and patients.
  • Discourage and prevent walk-in traffic.
  • Will not allow visitors or children to accompany the patient.
  • Pre-appointment virtual consultations.
  • Pre-appointment review and signing of mandatory paperwork and consents through secure document portal.
  • Minimal talking during the appointment. 
  • We request that patients arrive to their scheduled appointment with cleansed face, make-up removed.
  • We request that patients bring their own mask to the appointment due to the limited supplies of PPE available for Health Care professionals.
  • Advise patients to use the bathroom at home prior to arriving for their appointment.
  • Ask patients to wait in their car until designated appointment time and call clinic from car for instructions.
  • Ask patients to leave their coat and belongings at home or in the car.
  • Inform patients of the need to be on time for their scheduled appointment to limit the number of people in the clinic.
  • Clean treatment bed, counters, tables, chairs, mirrors, fridge door, cupboard handles, keyboards and cameras between patients.
  • Clean surfaces, counters, phones, keyboards and door handles hourly.
  • Clean credit card/debit terminals between patients.
  • Allow payment options to promote social distancing and contact, such as pre-payment, e-transfer or payment in a separate room/office.

***Please note we will not be accepting CASH PAYMENTS at this time. ***

***Protocols will be updated as more information and guidelines becomes available.***



Treatments are available by appointment only. We ask that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes prior to your appointment, so that you can complete consent forms, paperwork or use the restroom.


If you are running late for your appointment, please notify our staff as soon as possible so that we can try to accommodate you without disruption to our other client schedules. Note that we schedule appointment times to ensure every treatment can be delivered thoroughly and safely. Thus, if you arrive late to your appointment, we cannot extend time into the next scheduled time slot, so please ensure you arrive promptly for your treatment.


If you are ill on the day of your appointment and arrive at Sculpt feeling unwell and/or are combating an infection, for your own safety, we will have to reschedule your treatment. 

24 Hour Cancellation Policy

Your scheduled appointment is time reserved strictly for you. The corresponding technology and technician, as well as treatment room is set aside for your appointment. As such, we have a 24-hour cancellation policy.

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please notify us 24 hours in advance by calling our office (403) 453-0122

  • Any treatment may be cancelled and rescheduled without penalty with a minimum of 24-hours advance notice
  • Cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice are subject to a $50 per hour fee for every hour of treatment time that your procedure was scheduled for
  • Failure to show up for an appointment without notice is subject to the same fees listed above i.e. $50 per hour for every hour of treatment time the procedure was scheduled for

After hour and weekend appointments require 48 hour cancellation notice.

Cancellations must be made over the phone. Please call our office at (403) 453-0122.