Look Years Younger With Micro-needling in Calgary

Micro-Needling Calgary

Restore Healthy Skin With Micro-Needling Services in Calgary

Promote skin repair. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretchmarks and other signs of aging.

Micro-Needling Calgary

Approved by Health Canada, Dermaroller® is a clinically proven, scientific solution that effectively tackles the most common signs of aging. Wrinkles, scars, and stretchmarks are visibly reduced and skin texture and thickness is improved through this minimally invasive collagen induction treatment. Dermaroller® treatments, also known as micro-needling, trigger the body’s healing process, stimulating cell proliferation and causing new collagen to form.

For micro-needling services in Calgary, our medi spa provides precision penetration and maximum safety. We’ll leave your skin free of scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks. We can also work together to amplify your look by combining these results with lip injections, body contouring, or Calgary Botox treatments.

The result of thicker, supple, and visibly younger looking skin.

How Micro-Needling Works

The Dermaroller® causes minimally invasive precise micro-injuries to the epidermis and dermis, without causing open wounds or ablative damage. The puncturing channels close after a short time and these micro-injuries trigger the body’s healing cascade, which induces the increased production of collagen in the skin. Calgary micro-needling services triggers the construction of new tissue by stimulating healthy cell regeneration, in precision-target areas. The Dermaroller® effectively reduces wrinkles, tightens and thickens skin and also fills and smooths scars.

1. Treatment

Dermaroller®’s surgical-grade micro-needles reach beyond the epidermis into the dermis, causing pin point bleeding and triggering the body’s spontaneous healing response.

2. Healing Cascade

Within minutes, the perforation channels close and the healing cascade starts, invading the area with collagen-producing fibroblasts and growth-promoting properties

3. Younger Looking Skin

New organized collagen & elastin forms, bolstering from within, while the epidermis becomes thicker and more supple, each time a treatment is performed.

Before and Afters